- Work with Biological Families:
- “Social Mobile Team” – home visit work with vulnerable families, providing a multidisciplinary approach with a team of experts
- Work with future and young parents – preparation in parenting skills
- Development of Multi-disciplinary “team” service approaches/ referral systems (e.g. coordination among SW, NGOs, psychologists, police, families/community members, etc):
- “social networking”
- “social partnerships”
- “consilium” – meetings among SWs, pedagogues, parents, etc. to develop individual service support plans
- Work with biological families and children who are in shelters/temporary alternative family-based care/institutions for return to families
- Work approaches on “root” causes leading families to be vulnerable (employment issues, housing, work skills)
- Work with Alternative Families:
- Re-Training of Institution Staff / Re-structuring Institutions to “resource/ rehabilitation centres