- Youth Friendly Clinics
- Saint-Petersburg Medical Academy for Postgraduate Studies, Department of the Adolescence Medicine
Department Chair - Mr. A.M.Kulikov, Phone:(812)444-6738
- Saint-Petersburg City Consultation-Diagnostics Center for Children "Yuventa" (Reproductive Health)
Head Physician - Mr. P.N.Krotin, Phone:(812)251-3370, (812)251-4258
- The Regional Nongovernmental Organization "A View of the Future" РОО, Saint-Petersburg
Director - Mr. A.V.Khmyrov, Phone:(812)248-1178
- Prevention of High-Risky Behavior
- Youth Voluntary Group "Peer to peer" (Centre for Drug Prevention, Saint-Petersburg)
Coordinator - Ms. M.V. Orlova, Phone:(812)575-5613
- NGO - Leisure Center "Podval" (the Basement), Moscow
Director - Ms. Y.S.Sheveleva, phone (495) 2020279
- Novosibirsk NGO "Humanitarian Project"
Director - Mr. D.O.Kamaldinov, Phone:(3832)205-118, (3832)205-119
- Youth club "New Generation", Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
Chief of the Club - Ms. O.N.Stepanova, Phone:(3832)6811-61, (3832)680-144
- Tomsk Regional Charity Foundation "Siberia-AIDS-Help"
Director - Ms. Y.Kondinskaya, Phone:(3822)244-459, (3822)445-433