- Mr. Vadim Ovchinnikov
Ombudsman on the child rights in the Altay Territory, deputy Ombudsman of human rights in the Altay Territory
656059, Barnaul city, Partizanskaya st., 69; Phone:(3852) 24-75-19, phone/fax (3852) 36-60-40; E-mail:protmen@alt.ru; http://www.altsovet.ru/humanrights/ovchinnikov/
- Ms. Nina Boldyreva
Ombudsman on the child rights in the Volgograd region 400098, Volgograd, prospect Lenina, 9; Phone: (8442) 30 70 09б phone/fax (8442) 30 73 24; E-mail: n_boldireva@volganet.ru
- Ms. Valentina Golovkina
Ombudsman on the child rights in Vologda Region (exercising rights as advisor to the Governor of the Vologda Region)
160000, Vologda, Gertsena str., 2 room.819; pnone/fax: (8172) 72 60 22; E-mail: avo@vologda.ru
- Ms. Natalya Kovaleva
Ombudsman on the child rights in the Ivanovo Region
153000, Ivanovo, Revolutsii sq., 2/1, of. 312; Phone. 8-(4932)324395, Fax 8-(4932)419221, Cell. 8 910 6679890; E-mail:irimois@rambler.ru
Free of charge legal consultation office under the Ombudsman on the child rights of the Ivanovo Region
153012 Svobodny lane, 4 room 4 Phone 8-(4932)327599
- Ms. Marina Roo
Ombudsman on the child rights under the Governor of the Kemerovo Region; 650099, Kemerovo, Sovetskiy prospekt, 63, rooms 127, 128; phone. 34-94-52, e-mail: roo@ako.ru
Ms. Ksenia Seytmuldinova – Legal Advisor to the Ombudsman office, phone 34-95-96 e-mail: ksenia_s@ako.ru
Ms. Marina Lifenko - Legal Advisor to the Ombudsman office, phone 34-95-96
Ms. Tatiana Baranova – Expert to the Ombudsman office, phone 34-95-96, fax (3842)58 31 56