- Ms. Galina Konovalova
Ombudsman on the child rights in the Krasnodar Territory
350063, Krasnodar, Sovetskaya str., 35; phone (861)268 43 15; fax (861) 268 41 17; E-mail:uprkk1@list.ru
- Ms. Albina Komovich
Ombudsman on the child rights in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
660049, Krasnoyarsk, Karl Marks street, 122; phone (3912) 65 04 06, fax (3912)21 41 64; e-mail: upchkk@krasinet.ru
- Mr. Alexei Golovan
Ombudsman on the child rights in the Moscow City
19019, Moscow, p/b 49, Novy Arbat str., 15 10th floor; Phone (495) 957-05-85, fax (495) 957-05-99; E-mail:info@ombudsman.mos.ru; http: www.ombudsman.mos.ru
- Ms. Natalia Plotnikova
Representative of the Ombudsman on the child rights if the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the Norislk City
Phone 8(3919)46 25 83; e-mail: almaz@nk.nonik.ru
- Ms. Tatiana Kozlova
Ombudsman on the child rights in the Samara Region
443006, Samara, Molodogvardeyskaya str., 210; Phone (846) 332-75-62 , fax (846) 332-29-91; E-mail:safekids@samregion.ru; http://www.adm.samara.ru/content/4/508/11039/