- State institution “Socio-Rehabilitation Centre for Under Age Children «Otradnoye»
Barsukova T.M., Director tel. (495)907-5790;
- State institution ”Kostroma Regional Centre for Social Assistance to Families and Children”
Kozlova L.I., Director, tel. 53-08-53; 43-53-53;
- ”Regional Centre for Social Support to Families and Children”
Kaliningrad, Vorontsova N.N., Director, tel: 8-4012-463301
- Regional NGO ”Karelia Child Protection Association»
Pavlova N.G., President, tel: (8142) 761085
- Family Affairs Committee the Samara City Administration
tel(fax):(846)332-24-49, 332-11-41, E-mail: kds@samadm.ru
- Kareliya Foundation for Education and Development ”Audit Centre”
Sarayev G.A., Director, tel:(8142)717-321, 766-347
- «National Library of the Republic of Buryatiya»
Balkhayeva I.Kh., Director, tel, (3012)21-94-50 nacbibl@nbrb.ru