Contaсt information

UNICEF Partners in Russia

  1. Republican Charity Foundation «Child Protection»

    Voronina T.V., Director, tel. (812)275-3007

  2. Saint Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

    Adolescent Health Department, Kulikov A.M., Head of the Department, tel.(812) 4446738

  3. Saint Petersburg orphanage «Little Mom»

    Grechishkina M.A., tel. (8120 159-4328/377-2374

  4. Regional NGO «Look into the Future»

    Saint Petersburg, Khmyrov A.V., Director, tel. (812)521-8917

  5. Municipal centre «Street Children»

    Volkova S.V., Director., tel.(495)637-7691

  6. Samusocial-Moscow

    President Francoise Horowicz, tel. (495)656-1979

  7. Russian Charity Centre «NAN»

    Zykov O.V., Director, tel:. (495) 126-3475, 126-1064 факс,
